Showing posts with label Iphone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iphone. Show all posts


All iPhone models 7 Plus does not appear to have been housed in the same boat. Attest these experiments carried out by GSM Arena website, which prove that flash memory that can be found in the 32GB version of the smartphone is experiencing astonishing slowness.

Painful slowness
Too bad, it would seem that as much as possible flaw ignore the 32GB version of the iPhone 7 Plus, if indeed it wants to avoid his memory a bit too slow at start. To give you a better idea of ​​the thing, resuming the results of tests conducted by GSM Arena. On the Basemark OS II Memory software, when the iPhone 6s with 64 GB of internal memory will reach 1422 points score and the iPhone 7 128GB a score of 1721 points, the iPhone 7 Plus 32GB will for his part well painfully reach the 839 points. Both say: it is difficult to justify to a terminal that requires a positioning as upscale.

Therefore prefer models 64GB and higher
Worse: the write speed tests taken on the PassMark Storage Utility, when the iPhone 6S and iPhone 64 GB 7128 GB will make respective scores of 200.6 MB / s and 308 MB / s, the 7 32GB iPhone will in turn be limited to 39.6 MB / s. in reading, we discover scores of 628 MB / s and 926 MB / s for the first two smartphones when the iPhone 7 Plus reaches 691 MB / s. Not bad against the iPhone 6s, but in deca performance of an iPhone 7128 GB.

This is what apple don't want you to know about the Iphone7

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The whole world is now aware that the iPhone 7 does not include a jack port. It is now well and truly over the connector on Apple smartphones, and it is likely that the next iPad or Mac, will be deprived term.

But of course, nature abhors a vacuum, so there are already a case for iPhone ... equipped with a jack port. The Fuze is a case which is available for both Apple devices, which integrates a battery of 2400 mAh (iPhone 7) or 3600 mAh (iPhone 7 Plus). The interesting point is that the creation of Innovation Actual based on a certified Made for iPhone .

Enough to give a little confidence in this project to be financed Indiegogo. The standard price is $ 69, regardless of the model chosen. The manufacturer promises a delivery in December, which seems very fast but he has at hand all necessary, why not. At the time you read this, the goal of $ 50,000 will probably be met and exceeded

Fuze : an Iphone7 case with 3.5mm headphone jack

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Zerodium the company does not also in hiding and claims its strategy, an official said there are few, "While most bug bounty programs accept almost all types of vulnerabilities and PoCs (proof-of concepts) but pay smaller premiums in Zerodium we focus on high-risk vulnerabilities with fully functional exploits, and we pay the highest awards of the market. "

$ 1.5 million for remote jailbreak iOS and undetectable 10

Vulnerabilities and backdoors that Chaouki Bekrar knows resell to companies or governments with an important address book in this environment occult. It is indeed to perform espionage that these faults are updated and used. The latest example of Zerodium, a flaw on iOS 9 that would have to spy on political dissidents in several Gulf countries. At the time, Zerodium had offered $ 1 million for a back door.

To hack iOS 10, sulphurous company that mediates between hackers and other secret services country offers $ 1.5 million this time. Among the conditions, getting an iOS jailbreak 10 remotely, without it being possible to detect the operation by the smartphone user.

One can imagine the importance for the company to achieve the safeties dropping Apple first because the same type of exploit on a smartphone running Android Nougat, Zerodium offers "only" $ 200,000. If you do not have scruples, that the privacy of others matter to you and you want to put $ 1.5 million into the pocket, you know what you have to do!

Need some money? Hack IOS 10...

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